See, we’re called to do all of it:
Wash the dishes, cut the grass, help out our neighbors, lay down our rights, forgive people who offend us, get prophetic words, heal the sick, and cast out devils! Whatever is in front of you in the moment is the area of ministry God has for you.
After the message, we made space for the ministry to break out. A large number of words of knowledge for conditions like cold sores, TMJ, misaligned tailbones, arthritis, dental problems, thyroid disorders were given, and then everyone engaged with praying for the sick. The power of God was touching people all over the room.
During ministry time, I noticed a guy in his twenties with power coursing through his body. A few of our young adults were praying for him. He had suffered with a jaw condition for a long time that caused severe pain and limited his range of motion. As the Holy Spirit touched him, we spoke to the condition, commanding it to leave and his jaw to return to the way God designed it to be. His pain disappeared and he exclaimed- “It hasn’t felt this good in months!”
In addition the physical healing as the kingdom broke in, God grabbed his heart in a fresh way and encouraged him with a sense of His deep love. I got to speak prophetically to him about his destiny as a friend of Jesus, and he was deeply moved.
This is what God has told the Church to do when we come together: Worship Jesus, teach His Word and serve each other with the spiritual gifts He gives in the moment. When we catch this vision as a movement, we’ll witness this unstoppable force called the Kingdom of God advancing in ways that transform our world.