Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kingdom Ministry With Kids

I just finished teaching at the Halifax Vineyard youth group. Tonight we told stories from Mark chapter 1 about Jesus' announcement that the Kingdom of God has come near to us. It's not simply a comforting biblical thought, or a concept to talk about in church gatherings, it's a powerful reality of God being actively at work among us.
So after looking at the stories of Jesus announcing and demonstrating the powerful rule of God, we put the words into action:
The Spirit of God gave words of knowledge for a swollen throat, and 2 teenage girls responded. The power of God came on both of them, and their pain instantly disappeared. A whole bunch of kids expressed their desire to follow Jesus whole-heartedly, and give everything they've got to this kingdom thing. We prayed empowering prayers over them, giving them prophetic words of encouragement, and asking God's Spirit to fill them with His love.
As i looked around the room and saw all these young people laying their hands on their friends and inviting the Holy Spirit, I realized that this is a huge part of what making disciples is all about.
I love this stuff! I absolutely love it! I can't think of any other way I'd want to spend the rest of my life, than to share the message and ministry of Jesus with a group of kids that are hungry for something real.

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