Even the most basic reading of the New Testament illustrates that when the Kingdom of God breaks into this present evil age, power encounters occur. The rule of God overthrows the rule of darkness, oppression falls off people, and they come into the mercy of the Father.
This happens everywhere Jesus goes in the New Testament: whether it's a vacation at a lakeside retreat (Mark 4 & 5), a local church gathering or after a dinner at a friend's house (Luke 4). Jesus loves undoing the power of the enemy! As He announces the Kingdom's presence, the pseudo kingdom of the devil is pushed back and evil spirits run for cover.
Two weeks ago during a ministry time after worship, the Holy Spirit gave a word of knowledge about freeing people from nightmares and intense fear during the night hours. One of the people who responded was a girl who had been plagued with fearful dreams and night terrors constantly. We prayed a very simple prayer for her, commanding nightmares to stop by Jesus' authority and inviting the presence of the Spirit of God around her. This girl told me a few nights ago that she hasn't had a nightmare since!
This is the in-breaking of God's kingdom, pushing back darkness and bringing His presence to the people He loves. I'm so glad we get to participate in His work...